ATTENTION PARENTS OF COLLEGE KIDS: College Has Always Been Stressful. In Today’s Chaotic World, That Stress Has Been Multiplied Ten-Fold For Your Child. Give Your Child The Best Shot At Success With...

Together We Can Give Your Child A Fail-Proof Future

Hey caring parent,

It doesn’t matter that your child is a college-aged young adult now; they are still your child and you want the best for them.

The past 18+ years have gone by so fast and as your child looks toward starting college, returning to campus, coming home for the holidays, or spring graduation, every moment with them feels bittersweet.

Your instincts make you wonder…

  • Will they be able to take care of themselves?
  • Are they going to get to class on time?
  • Will they eat real and healthy food?
  • Are they going to be safe, physically and mentally?
  • What are you forgetting to show them before they go?
It can be maddening to think about. Plus, when you add on the worry about the current state of the world...Well...Let’s just say, tensions are HIGH.

You Have Worked So Hard To Get Your Child To This Point. Make Sure You And Your Child Finish Strong!

Seriously, you have done the hard work as a parent. You loved, nurtured, cared, taught, and experienced life with them. 

Your drive and attention has helped them push past some of their biggest challenges to date.

You dedicated your life to making sure they learned the right morals, manners, and ethics. Thanks to your hard work, they have a running chance at success, and you should feel proud of all the effort you both have put in so far.

But let’s admit it....

Your college days were awhile ago, and you feel a bit fuzzy on the details; like what was hard or challenging to learn.

Your child is growing up now, and college is the last stop before they completely step out on their own and forge their own path.

If you want to make sure you give them the best possible foot forward, you have to finish off your parenting role in a strong way during their college years.

You know how tough it feels when you first go out on your own, so you want to make sure your child doesn’t go through the same challenges.

Your Child’s College Career Could Go One Of Two Ways…

Allow Me To Show You The Path To Fail-Proof Your Child’s College Career And Future

Hello, I’m Dale Troy

and, while it may sound impressive to tell you I graduated from Yale College in 1980 and received my Law Degree from Yale Law School in 1983, the truth is...
I found college to be so stressful that I ended up with migraines, low energy, and regular stomach aches. 
I stuck with it and graduated, but when my three daughters went to college (they went to Yale, too!), I saw each of them repeating the cycle.
  • 87% of students have experienced stress during their college years. 45% of college students claim to go through “more than average stress.”
  • Roughly 12% of college students report the occurrence of suicide ideation during their four years in school, with 2.6% percent reporting persistent suicide ideation.
  • Up to 57% of students enrolled in college are not done after six years, depending on the type of college they’re attending. And 30% drop out in Freshman year.
I was shocked and I wanted to figure out a way I could support college students through these difficult times. 

After becoming a Certified Health Coach and College Success Coach, The Confident Collegiate program was born.

I help college students create a successful college experience built on academic motivation, daily planning, healthy habits and managing stress.

You may have seen me and my work featured in… 

With The Right Support System In Place, 
Your Child Will Thrive In Ways You Will Be Proud Of

Take Jason, for example. Jason is a sophomore I worked with. When his mom contacted me, Jason had finished freshman year and was taking 2 online summer courses for college credit from his home. His mom was afraid he was going to fail because he wasn’t on top of the assignments, and he didn’t seem to care. 

Together, Jason and I focused on prioritizing time, creating a schedule, developing motivation, communicating with his professors, and using me as his accountability partner. 

He was able to raise both grades, pass both courses, and make his mom proud. I continued to work with Jason during his fall semester at college!

That’s available to your child as well...

Together We Can Give Your Child A Fail-Proof Future

Click The Button Above To Schedule A Call Before Time Runs Out

This Is The Stress-Proof, Fail-Proof Plan To Create 
A Worry-Free, Safe, Healthy, Socially And Academically 
Successful College Experience For Your Child

I remember how nervous I was when I brought my oldest daughter to Yale College. And the whole first year I was worrying about whether she was making friends, how her classes were going, and if she was taking good care of herself.  

You probably feel some level of nervousness too, whether your child is a freshman, sophomore or upperclassman. Your child will always be your “baby”.

Let’s not forget how your child may be feeling about being “on their own” on a college campus. Maybe they aren’t sure what they need help with, or don’t feel comfortable talking about it with you. Parents aren’t always at the top of the list to turn to.

And, even when our college students reach out to us, we aren’t always able to guide them through their challenges, despite our best intentions. 

That's why I created The Confident Collegiate, because I know from my own experience, and from what my girls have told me of theirs, that all students need some support. How would you feel if you knew your college student had the support they needed?

No more stressing about what’s happening with your child.

No more wondering if they can handle it.

No more fear of them being alone.

Just peace of mind and confidence that you’ve done what you can to set them up for success in college and beyond.

You don’t have to keep worrying that you haven’t taught them everything they need to know.

You have guided your child, teaching them every step of the way. Now, give them the gift of one final lesson, the essential skills all college students need to know.

Show them that their life isn’t going to be scary or confusing. Let them know how smart and capable they are, and share the tips and skills that will make a big difference in how they navigate their life in college and after graduation.

They have always looked to you for support and advice, and when you enroll them in The Confident Collegiate you will give them all the tools they need for success in college and beyond!

Don’t worry that you are missing something in prepping them, cross another thing off your list and know that they are getting the guidance they need for college success.


  • How to create a personal daily/weekly/monthly schedule and stick to it so they can perform well academically and reach their personal goals.
  • How to prevent loneliness by making it a priority to socialize and find new friends; connect with professors; get to know the dorm staff; get involved in clubs and other activities; and connect with the health center.
  • How to be resilient and bounce back when faced with challenges or difficult situations; understanding they have control over their actions, their habits and their thoughts.
And so much more…
Have questions? Want to know more? Click any button on this page to schedule your call to discuss the program and how it can support both you and your student.

Your Child’s Fail-Proof Future Is One Click Away!

Click The Button Above To Schedule A Call Before Time Runs Out

In This Program, Yale-Educated College Success Coach, Dale Troy, Will Guide Your Child In The Five Key Areas Every College Student Finds Challenging And Show Them A Fail-Proof Plan To Accomplish Academic, Social, Physical, And Mental Success



We all know that having a plan in place, and laying out the steps to complete it are vital to getting anything major done in life. We learned that long ago, and our young adult children still have to learn how to set and achieve their own major life goals.

That is why setting goals is how we will be kicking off The Confident Collegiate. During the first step, your child will learn everything about setting goals realistically and tips to successfully implement and achieve those goals so they can progress with their studies and better reach their personal desires.



While managing time may seem second nature to most of us, to a young adult on their own for the first time - with no one telling them where to be and when to study - life can feel extremely overwhelming.

In step two, your child will learn the basics of managing time and strategies to manage everything on their schedule, without feeling lost or overwhelmed.



A common thing we take for granted when we’re younger is the support network we naturally develop while living at home, from our school environment and from the social interactions we have with our family and friends. 

Loneliness is a common issue for many young adults transitioning to college life. That’s why your child will learn about the importance of social interactions and how to reach out and meet people in the real world. We will cover how to create a network of people they trust enough to open up to when they’re struggling.



One of the biggest challenges about college life is how to stay healthy and happy on a daily basis.

Generally, it’s the parents who plan meals and make sure everyone eats. Parents also tend to check in and make sure their children are getting enough sun, water, sleep and exercise.

Taking responsibility for these daily activities can be challenging, so in this step your child will get a crash course on self-care for a healthy body, that will improve how they function physically and mentally.



You never realize how much of a support system your friends and family can be until they are suddenly far away.

Coping with stress on our own can sometimes cause poor decisions and feeling overwhelmed. Since stress can affect both health and academic performance, feeling stressed can impact confidence, self-esteem and overall mental health.

That is why, in the final step, your child will learn how to recognize when they’re feeling overly stressed and overwhelmed, and how to manage the stress in a positive way so they can continue reaching their goals.

Your Child Will Have All Of The Support They Need To Master These Skills (And More)!

Here’s How We Designed The Program For Best Results…

Immediate Virtual Access To The Full Confident Collegiate Program (Retail: $997.00)

The program includes (5) video trainings, with worksheets, to help your child master the skills they need to become academically, socially, physically, and mentally successful.

Unrestricted Access To My Private Email For Personalized Support (Retail: $997.00)

In an unprecedented move, I will release my private email for you and your child to have access to me whenever you need to ask questions and get personalized answers along the way.

60 Minute One-On-One VIP Consultant Calls - 7 Included! (Retail: $1400.00)

We will sit down, virtually, to go over your child’s specific needs and come up with a fail-proof plan for their future, based on their unique situation. Then, throughout the journey, I will be there as a guide and source of knowledge and comfort for both you and your child.

And IF That Was What I Was Charging (I’m Not),
These Other Parents Would Tell You It’s Worth Every Penny...

“As I prepared to go to college, I was worried about how to handle the independence that came with being a college student. From working with Dale I was able to compartmentalize and organize my college day. It maximized my time and led me to complete tasks more efficiently. Dale was extremely helpful, kind, and innovative in helping me develop skills required for success in college. From nutritional habits, to beneficial academic tendencies, I can confidently say I am more prepared for college because of my work with Dale.”
— Guy C., Rising College Freshman
“I had just launched my son into freshman year at college when I found Dale Troy's program online. This course equipped my son with tools to feel organized, healthy and in control. The skills he learned from Dale Troy have helped him to incorporate healthy habits into his daily life. The stress reduction tools he learned are already making a big difference for him. He is happier, healthier and his grades have improved since participating in this program.”
“As I prepared to go to college, I was worried about how to handle the independence that came with being a college student. From working with Dale I was able to compartmentalize and organize my college day. It maximized my time and led me to complete tasks more efficiently. Dale was extremely helpful, kind, and innovative in helping me develop skills required for success in college. From nutritional habits, to beneficial academic tendencies, I can confidently say I am more prepared for college because of my work with Dale.”
— Guy C., Rising College Freshman
“I had just launched my son into freshman year at college when I found Dale Troy's program online. This course equipped my son with tools to feel organized, healthy and in control. The skills he learned from Dale Troy have helped him to incorporate healthy habits into his daily life. The stress reduction tools he learned are already making a big difference for him. He is happier, healthier and his grades have improved since participating in this program.”

Together We Can Give Your Child A Fail-Proof Future


I’m A Parent, Too, So I’ve Made This Easily Affordable

And when you consider how much you will SAVE...your child finishes college on time, there’s no need to repeat classes and you don’t have to pay for medical expenses due to burnout... it’s a complete “no brainer”.

Everyone struggles with their own challenges; so does your child. It may be social anxiety, academic overwhelm, or just general fear and confusion about their life - and I can help them get through this challenging time and see the opportunity that waits for them.

The Confident Collegiate Fail-Proof Promise...

There's a lot about college that a student can’t control. But there is plenty more that they can control, once they know how. It's up to them to implement the habits and strategies that will make it easier for them to get good grades, make great friends, and enjoy college life without becoming overly stressed and overwhelmed. 

When your child takes part in The Confident Collegiate, they will be given everything they need to implement those habits and strategies in their lives.

And when they take it into the real world, you can feel as confident in them as they feel in themselves.

These Parents Have Seen This Happen With Their Own Eyes,
So Take Their Word For It...

 “I was struggling with helping my son navigate his college classes successfully, and was frustrated by his lack of attention to details and prioritizing his work. It seemed like half the time he didn’t even know what was due and never reached out to his professors. I engaged Dale to coach him to get through two summer classes that he was nearly failing. Dale helped him not only pass the classes with acceptable grades, but also used the time with him to coach him about organization and communication. I’m very pleased with the results and will be continuing to engage Dale during the fall semester. Best of all, I could take myself out of the process which improved my relationship with my son.”
  — Liz W., Parent of a Rising College Sophomore
“Dale was very personable and showed interest in learning how to best help my college freshman. I was looking for additional support to help my daughter be successful in the classroom and life. I don't want to feel as though I am nagging her, and we get aggravated with each other! Dale understood my concerns. Sometimes a different person telling kids something will make them hear it better. My daughter enjoyed the meetings with Dale and they worked on different topics. Dale helped her set goals, write down a plan, and even did a little tutoring. My daughter's confidence improved. I thought working with Dale was beneficial and a great investment to help my student succeed. I would not hesitate to hire Dale in the future.”
— Stephy W, Parent of a Freshman
  I was struggling with helping my son navigate his college classes successfully, and was frustrated by his lack of attention to details and prioritizing his work. It seemed like half the time he didn’t even know what was due and never reached out to his professors. I engaged Dale to coach him to get through two summer classes that he was nearly failing. Dale helped him not only pass the classes with acceptable grades, but also used the time with him to coach him about organization and communication. I’m very pleased with the results and will be continuing to engage Dale during the fall semester. Best of all, I could take myself out of the process which improved my relationship with my son.”
  — Liz W., Parent of a Rising College Sophomore
 Dale was very personable and showed interest in learning how to best help my college freshman. I was looking for additional support to help my daughter be successful in the classroom and life. I don't want to feel as though I am nagging her, and we get aggravated with each other! Dale understood my concerns. Sometimes a different person telling kids something will make them hear it better. My daughter enjoyed the meetings with Dale and they worked on different topics. Dale helped her set goals, write down a plan, and even did a little tutoring. My daughter's confidence improved. I thought working with Dale was beneficial and a great investment to help my student succeed. I would not hesitate to hire Dale in the future.”
— Stephy W, Parent of a Freshman

Together We Can Give Your Child A Fail-Proof Future


It’s Time To Make A Decision That Will Change The Course Of You And Your Child's Lives Forever

Together We Can Give Your Child A Fail-Proof Future


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